Brad R Lambert || Bosslogic has always kept his true appearance a secret until today.
In inspirational fashion, Bosslogic revealed to the world what he really looked like along with a beautiful write-up on why he's kept his appearance a secret and what caused him to change his mind.
Hate, negativity, and bullying all caused him to "stay in the shadows" - He finally got to a point where he was proud of where he is in his life and he wanted to inspire and help others appreciate themselves and put themselves first for once.
I am so incredibly proud of this guy - The courage and confidence it took to do this and to see people all over the world message us saying how his post has helped them and inspired them in their own journey in life. This is what it's all about...Spreading positivity, motivation and inspiring others to believe in themselves and achieve their own greatness.
To read the full story, please view the images below: